7 Pick-me-up prayers for when you feel alone or confused

Do you ever feel confused and alone?

Do you wonder what God’s doing in your life because nothing seems to be working out? You probably experience a deluge of conflicting emotions about what to feel, who to trust, and how to proceed in life.

I do. All the time.

I’m a mess. You probably are, also.

And that’s okay. God understands, and amazingly enough–He has an answer for your confusion. Below are seven Scriptures with seven short prayers to incorporate into your day to answer your fear and frustration about what God is doing–and if He’s doing anything.

If you really want to get these truths into your brain, write the verse on a card and memorize it. As your heart believes, your thoughts changes; then your thinking tells your emotions to calm down. Your body follows suit.

And voila! You are becoming a new person. (2 Cor. 5:17)

Here are 7 verses & 7 prayers to change your outlook (and your day):

When you feel obligated or trapped:

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Cor. 3:17)

Lord, give me your Spirit, which makes me free from sin and death. Help me not to misconstrue freedom with the world’s definition. I am free in you, and therefore, I am your obedient and submissive servant. You don’t owe me anything. Amen.

When you feel discouraged or incapable:

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. (Phil. 4:13)

Lord, I am overwhelmed with how hard life it. Give me the strength and power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I am challenged to do your will and your mission, not my own. I can’t possibly see how your plans for me will play out in eternity. Help me not focus on the temporal, when only the eternal matters. Amen.


This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Ps. 118:24)

Lord, every day is a blessing from you. Forgive me for thinking otherwise. I will rejoice because you have saved me and called me and blessed me with your Spirit. Your works are awesome and indescribable. You always do good. You champion your children. Thank you! Amen.

when you feel afraid or confused:

He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and of a sound mind. (1 Tim. 1:7)

Lord, forgive me for being afraid. Nothing in this world can hurt me. Nothing can prevent your will from being accomplished in my life if I’m surrendered to you. I will not fear because you love me. I want to love others with your love. I will spread hope through Jesus instead of spreading fear of what this world promises and never delivers anyway. There is no hope for us here. Only you. Amen.

when you feel desperate and needy:

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. (Jn. 14:14)

Lord, I’m a little needy right now. I feel battered right now. In Jesus’ name, I ask you to make every event and sorrow count for eternity. Use every hardship to grow my faith. Use my testimony to bring you glory. Keep me from making selfish requests. Amen.

when you feel inadequate or insecure:

We are more than conquerers through him who loved us. (Rom. 8:37)

Lord, you have made me a warrior. Fill me with your Spirit. Make me a warrior for justice and redemption–not a warrior for the more blessings because they will make my life easier or better. You have called me to suffer and to shine. Build in me the faith to do this great task. Amen.

when you feel unloved and unnecessary:

I have come to give life and give it more abundantly. (Jn. 10:10)

Lord, you are life. You are all that matters. I will not doubt your will or your plans for me. You are not a thief. You are a savior and a giver. You give and give and give. Thank you for the abundant life you offer me. Help me keep perspective that I am an eternal being. I was not created for this life, and therefore, it will never satisfy me. Amen.

It’s going to be a great day because it’s a day filled with God love for you! 


Check out the award-winning book on prayer: Soulspeak: Praying Change into Unexpected Places to radically change your perspective and your life.


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