A new book: The Compassion Storybook Bible

There are not many things more exciting to a writer than launching a new book into the world.

It’s a lot like having a baby. Sleepless nights. Pain. Anxiety. Insecurity. Fear. Pride. Panic. Hope. Hard work. Pure joy.

So I present another baby, a project that God put on my heart several years ago. I wrote a few books on related topics of justice and compassion (which did not get picked up anywhere), and then I jotted down the vision for this. I asked my writer-friend extraordinaire, Crystal Bowman, if she wanted in on the project. Praise God, she did! She has been a mentor, friend, and co-laborer in this (and other) ventures.

My big idea was to inspire kids to see the world like God sees it–with compassion and care. Our kids are bombarded with cliche Christianity and political lenses. I wanted children growing up in the church–and those growing up without a clear understanding of who Jesus actually is–to realize that our relationships and perspectives in this world are not partisan. They don’t follow cultural fads. They shouldn’t be judgmental.

Jesus clearly stated that He came to heal broken hearts. His healing ministry proved that he valued healing physically, emotionally, socially, mentally, and spiritually. He preached the Kingdom of Heaven, an upside-down perspective of living counter-culturally, of suffering for the gospel, and being patient with others. His ministry was justice–often translated “righteousness” in Scripture–which challenges some Christian thinking that somehow serving the poor and welcoming foreigners are politically-liberal agendas. They’re not political (unless we make it so). They’re Biblical mantras. Clear commands from Jesus.

We’ll never raise compassionate kids if they’re taught to judge one another instead of love one another.

We’ll never be able to accept and live in God’s grace if we keep trying to earn God’s blessing through our good deeds. We’ll never become evangelists if we believe we’re more worthy of salvation than someone else. We’ll never show God’s love to the world when we hate our enemies, condemn one another’s sin, or fight over position and power.

Jesus always demonstrated seeing needs and meeting them. He knew that removing physical and emotional barriers meant opening hearts to spiritual change.

That’s what parenting and teaching is, isn’t it? Finding those moments to influence change, to expand thinking, to reach souls and win them to Jesus.

“Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.”–Matthew 15:32.

So I present to you The Compassion Storybook Bible. 52 stories of grace, kindness, & changing the world. Some of the Bible stories will be long-time favorites. Some will be new. They are diverse, inclusive, authentic, and Scriptural stories. They are ordinary people whom God used to accomplish His extraordinary mission.

Just like He wants to use us. Kids should know that about God. Stories of His faithfulness create a trust for God’s will and God’s methods.

I hope you’ll order this Bible storybook for all the children in your life who need to see God’s compassion at work. Buy a few copies, read them to your kids, post a review so someone else buys it, too.

Thank you for supporting my writing.


Book blurb:

When we become more like Jesus, we have compassion for others.

This is the heart and soul of the Compassion Storybook Bible. This book will walk young readers through some of the most well-known stories in the Bible.

Readers will engage with accessible prose about people such as Daniel, Esther, and of course, Jesus—learning that the ultimate story is God’s love for us, written throughout the pages of the Bible.

For the best primer to introduce your young one to the Bible, dive into these pages and read along with them.

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