A prayer for students

Dear Rabbi-Teacher,

You understand the intricacies of the mind–of learning and believing and feeling deeply. You have given us the ability to investigate, acknowledge, believe, and reject you. You are comfortable with leaving the decision to us. You are great and powerful, and I cannot take You in. But You are still the Rabbi, the teacher of students who just don’t “get it.”

Lord, I pray for increased understanding and acceptance for who You are and what You want for my life. I ask for you protection over the hearts and minds of students everywhere. I pray for them to recognize truth through the power of the Holy Spirit and receive the Truth, Jesus Christ. I ask for boldness and discernment and wisdom and compassion.

Make our students fierce defenders yet humble messengers of Your truth. May their actions bring glory to You, instead of bring shame on the followers of Christ. Give teachers a passion for integrity and an understanding of truth. Help us, who can shape education, focus on mentoring students to carry Christ wherever they go, rather than to expect Christ to be present wherever they are.

Make our students revolutionaries for the gospel. That is the point of education. So teach us and send us into the world to share Your truth.


“Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God.” (John 3:2)

image by Lynn Greyling

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