Dear Father, who transcends time and place--My hope is in You.I will not fear, regardless of what the world says and does.I will not judge,…
Read MoreI just read 2 Thess. 3:5 this morning on my Bible app. This is what is says, in a few different translations:ESV--"May the Lord direct your…
Read MoreI just read 2 Thess. 3:5 this morning on my Bible app. This is what is says, in a few different translations:ESV--"May the Lord direct your…
Read MoreI usually post a new blog every Monday. It's Thursday, and I've still got nothin' to say. Nothing clever. Nothing funny. Nothing profound. Nothing news-worthy…
Read MoreDear God, the Omniscient One--Thank you!You were wise enough and imaginative enough to create chocolate.Or, at least, you created the cocoa bean, and You inspired…
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