Don’t lose heart


Lord Jesus,

Help me to not lose heart,

to avoid discouragement and negative thinking,

(not because I can make myself happier) but because you only are my source of joy and confidence.

You are above and in all things.

You use all things for good.

So regardless of what happens in this world,

I can not struck down or abandoned.

I am not deceived by worldly philosophies or a false gospel.

I am not entitled to something more than you give me.

I am not missing out on something you’ve kept from me.

I belong to you, and I bring you joy.

I am a light in a dark world, just as you came as a light on a dark Christmas night.

Everywhere you are, you radiate light, joy, hope, and love.

You do it through creation.

You do it through the Church.

You do it through me.

You are my light, and I am your light to the world

at Christmas and every day of the year.

If I let you shine through me–

if I let you say what you want to say and do what you want to do.

If I reflect you in everything,

in a million tiny ways.

You are the Light of Life, and I worship you!


This prayer was taken from 2 Corinthians 4:1-12.

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