How to change a Bible story into a prayer for your family

I’m reading my way through Jeremiah. There’s a lot of prophecies and punishments pronounced against the Jews, particularly Judah. They are invaded by the Babylonians and hauled off as slaves. The famous verse Jer. 29:11 appears, promising a hope and a future, but the promise occurs in the context of abduction and 70 years enslavement in Babylon.

The Jews–and us, if we make application–are blessed when they obey and punished when they don’t. My reading today was Jeremiah 34-35. A family called the Recabites have kept a promise to live for generations without drinking alcohol, sowing crops, or building houses for generations, This came out of obeying a forefather’s command. The theme of obedience–not the command itself–is praised by the Lord.

Here’s the principle that struck me and the prayer I took away from it:

“Then Jeremiah said to the family of the Recites, ‘This is what the Lord Almighty, the God is Israel says,: “You have obeyed the command of your forefather Jonadab and have followed all his instructions and have done everything he ordered.” Therefore, this is what the Lord Almighty the God of Israel says: “Jonadab son of Recab will never fail to have a man to serve me.’ ” (Jer. 35:18-19)

My Prayer:

Lord Almighty, give me the courage to obey you when it’s hard.
Give me the faith to continue obeying what I know in my heart is the right thing to do, even when everyone around me is doing something different.
I pray for my family to always follow you.
I pray that they will serve you, against the tide of culture.
I pray they will emphasize and value the condition of the heart, not the sum of their belongings.
I ask for you to give all my children and grandchildren spouses who honor and obey your commands.
I pray that they will never fail to serve you, all the days of their lives.
May we live “in tents,” realizing that the temporary securities of this world will not satisfy nor provide security for living.
Make me a strong example of faithfulness, servanthood, and obedience to your laws and my own conscience.
Help my family to weigh decisions against your word and hold fast the boundaries you have placed for us.
I ask for this blessing on my family for generations, believing that you will do it.
In Jesus’ powerful name,

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