Prayer for Charlottesville
Lord, Comforter and Redeemer,
Take these troubled times and bring good from them.
Somehow, throw your spirit of comfort like a mantle over the grieving,over those traumatized by the Charlottesville rally,
and most of all over those injured and killed there.
Infiltrate their homes and their conversations–
let your spirit be felt.
Comfort those grieving for loved ones lost through senseless violence.
Bring justice, swift and sure.
Not revenge. That is not your way.
But justice, peace, and sanity
to a situation raging out of control.
May this tragedy in Charlottesville wake up a sleepy country
to the ravages of deep-seated prejudice and hatred.
Somehow, draw us toward your spirit of wisdom,
fill us with a desire and determination to be
loving, forgiving, compassionate, determined.
Give us the courage to stand for righteousness,
to shirk stubbornness and pride,
to abhor hatred.
Change us.
And even while you work so great a miracle,
lighten the heavy hearts of those closest to the tragedy.
Heal Charlottesville
and protect Virginia.
Protect our country from another century of malice and bigotry.
We worship you and thank you for your
love, compassion, justice, and mercy.
We will never be worthy of your grace!