Prayer for the future
Dear Father, who transcends time and place–
My hope is in You.I will not fear, regardless of what the world says and does.
I will not judge, regardless of the way people treat me.
My hope is in You.
I will not worry, regardless of the uncontrollable situations around me.
I will not pout, regardless of disappointed dreams.
My hope is in You.
I will not complain, because You give me more than I deserve.
I will not lose heart, because You give me courage.
I will not give up, because You give strength for every circumstance.
My hope is in You.
You, alone, wipe away the past.
You, alone, are my present joy.
You, alone, give me a future.
My hope is in You.
I will trust Your plans because Your will is central to my life.
I will trust Your will because You are good.
I will look forward and not backward.
I will set my affection on heaven, not earth.
Then I will have hope.
You did not make me for this present world.
You made me for Yours.
So give me hope for that future, where perfect joy and peace will finally be realized.
My hope is in You.
“But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in You.”–Psalm 39:7
image by Robert Nacke