Prayer over the synagogue shooting

Lord Jehovah–Yahweh–

I lift up the hearts and minds of devout Jews everywhere,
especially in Pittsburgh.
Comfort them and give them the peace only you can provide.
Protect them from evildoers, from violent people,
from the shooting down of hope,
and faith.

Protect their hearts from the pain of violent words,
from the cowards,
the bigots,
and the self-righteous
in our land.

Heal these dear people.

May they never renounce faith in you because of persecution.
May they seek the Lord while He may be found.
May they implore the God of heaven to rescue and comfort them.
May they recognize the Messiah.

Thank you for the outpouring of love from people of many faiths–
this is God at work in hearts and lives.
Comfort the Jewish doctors and staff that suffered their own trauma
while attending to the shooter in the hospital.

You are a God of justice, and I pray for justice on Robert Bowers.
I pray that he repents and turns to you.
I pray that he asks forgiveness from his victims.
I pray for people like him, with hatred in their hearts,
to be convicted and transformed into people of compassion and understanding.

I pray for healing,
and justice
for the victims and their families.

No good comes from violence
but somehow, you can make something beautiful from something tragic.
I pray for better legislation,
better justice,
more community.

I pray for more of you in this confused and godless land.
Send a wave of revival, Lord.
May those of us who know you
represent you well
as a God of love and forgiveness.
Keep us from hating for the haters.
Transform us into your image.


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