Praying forgiveness on believers who who cause trouble in the church

Lord Jesus,

I’m asking your forgiveness and grace on some fellow-believers.
They’re mean and nasty,
and they don’t love the body Christ.
They’re always stirring up trouble,
berating believers, gossiping about fellow- Christians,
and spewing venom against the church
and what it doesn’t do for them.

They are incredibly selfish, immature, and divisive.

I know you’ll judge these people.
You hate this kind of behavior, more than you hate anything.
I know they will feel the effects of their attitudes in their own families.
Perhaps their children will reject You and the church because of their example.
Perhaps they will lose friends and lose community.

I don’t wish these natural consequences on them,
although I know the course of rebellion can’t be stopped
apart from repentance and your incredible grace.

Give me the grace to forgive them,
(even when their hate isn’t directly against me)–
help me to not hold grudges and made assumptions about them.
Lavish your lovingkindness on them.
I pray for the Holy Spirit to speak truth and correction into their lives.

Please redeem the bitterness and anger in these families.
I ask forgiveness for them.
Send them people who will show your love and encouragement.

But most of all, lavish your love and grace on the body of Christ,
and make us resilient and long-suffering.

These are miracles only you can do.


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