Hope and Healing for a Stronger You

Bible Women Who Lead

Sue has preached and taught on many incredible women in the Bible who lead their families, their ministries, and their nations to trust God and live in freedom. The narratives of women of the Bible contain accounts of abuse and neglect, yet Scripture treats women with dignity and respect, a concept that was foreign to ancient writers, except for the transformation from the Spirit in their lives. Sue boldly unpacks women’s stories, which have been often misinterpreted and undervalued by ministers and teachers. Google Sue Schlesman at West End Assembly of God/WEAG Church for videos of her sermons about Bible women. Often, they are Mother’s Day sermons (but not exclusively for mothers). Always, she shares personal stories with vulnerability and courage. You are sure to laugh and cry.

Her favorite women to teach about are:



Deborah & Jael


Hagar & Sarai



Mary Magdalene

Mary & Martha

Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Mary, the Mother of John-Mark



Ruth & Naomi


The Shunammite Woman

The Widows

The Woman at the Well


Psalm 68:11–The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng.


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