Thank you for my children

Lord of mercy and love,

Thank you for my children.
Thank you for their successes.
Thank you even for their hardships
because it builds the character that I want them to have
and the character you want me to have.
(Because parenting always leads me back to you.)
I can’t love them without your love
or lead them without following you.
I need you more than they need me or I need them.
Just you.
Help me to trust you with their lives,
through joys and sorrows,
triumphs and pain.
You have already shown yourself to be trustworthy–
They are your love language to me.
Your whispers of hope, healing, and heaven.
They are my greatest blessings.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I love you.
And loving them gives me a glimpse of who you are.


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