Thanks, hope, & overcoming sadness

Oh, Lord,

My spirit is so heavy

I feel sad,

even while I look around at your beautiful world

and thank you for your provision.

You have given me so much.

Your love and grace isn’t lost on me.

And yet…

I’m human.

Circumstances are often painful.

People are often cruel.

The future doesn’t always look bright.

So how can I keep my mind in a state of thankfulness and hope?

I will praise you.

I will count my blessings.

I will remember how you have never failed me,

how you have protected me,

blessed me,

and called me.

That gives me hope,

and that drives out sadness and discouragement.

You alone are great and powerful.

Nothing in this world can interfere with your blessing and calling on my life.

Thank you.

In Jesus’ name,


“Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why are you disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” (Psalm 43:5)

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