My top 10 blogs show how I changed in 2017
What did I learn last year? What did I achieve?
What even happened?
Maybe you’re like me, finding yourself here in January, trying to remember your resolutions so you can determine if you kept any of them. You know, you’re looking for the list because you want to make some check-marks on it.
I just browsed through my blogs from last year. It’s an online diary, really–this naked commentary on what I was thinking about and dealing with during 2017. (I already know I didn’t exercise enough or lose any weight. Big zero there.)
Mission. Parenting. Worry. And a lot of grief. At first glance, my list looks a bit depressing. But it’s not.
It’s raw optimism. It’s hope and healing. It’s what we should all do during any year–working out our stuff. Getting better.
So I’ve composed a list of my 10 most popular blogs from 2017 (3 are prayer blogs), in case you want to read any of them. They show how working through stuff makes you stronger, even though it may not seem so at the time.
- A sugar-free poem
- Dear future daughter-in-law
- Mothering Alone
- Why Mother’s Day hurts
- What I’m thinking about this Memorial Day
- Happy Birthday, Grief!
- What I learned in Cuba
- My confession to you
- A mother’s cry
- A prayer of destiny over your family
So here’s what I’ve decided, what 2017 has taught me:
Self-improvement is not measured by what I conquer, but by what I am willing to change. Maturity takes courage and honesty. It takes me looking at my life, maybe the way someone else would see it instead of the Hollywood version I have concocted in my head.
Did you embrace some little changes in 2017? Maybe nothing significant seemed to happen; maybe you just made a small step toward something new.You made a slight adjustment in your behavior. You started a new habit. You became a little more self-controlled.
Bravo! You have set in motion the framework for success.
Hello, 2018! Someone’s about to transform into a better version of herself.